Contact Us

The best way to find out about the club is to visit us and meet some members.

The club is open on Sundays during terms 4 and 1 from 8.30am until about 4pm.

Our club is run by volunteers, so if your query cannot answered by the frequently asked questions (FAQs) and you’ve had a good look through the website, then send us a message and we will get back to you, hopefully within a couple of days.


Save the Date: Kutti Cocktails

Jules Hall

The famous Kutti Cocktails will be returning with a splash this year. Block your diaries for the evening of Saturday 30th April.

For the newer members of the club, this is a night for the Mums and Dads. Our turn to have fun after working so hard to make the sailing fun for the kids all season!

We’ll share the official invite shortly with all the event details.

Term 1 Sailing Calendar

Adele Phillips

We have some exciting events happening in the next few months, here is an overview:

12-13th of Feb - NSW Sabot States Round 1 at Lane Cove 12ft Skiff Sailing Club.

Sunday 19th Feb - 90th annual Vaucluse Regatta. Event information and registration.

19-20th Feb - Flying Eleven States Round 2 at Belmont 16s.

Friday 25th Feb - Twilight Sailing and BYO BBQ. Club members are invited to our first Friday twilight sailing followed by a BYO BBQ. Detailed information to follow.

5-6th March - Cherub States at Jervis Bay

Friday 11th March - Sailing School Kids Movie Night and Dinner

19-20th March - NSW Sabot States Round 2 at Teralba Amateur Sailing Club.

Friday 25th March - Twilight Sailing and BYO BBQ.

Sunday 27th March - Dick Winning Fun Day. Events will be starting at approximately 10:30am, after the Sailing School lessons conclude.

9-12th April - Sabot National Championships at Teralba Amateur Sailing Club.

11-14th April - Easter Holiday Camp Week 1

19-22nd April - Easter Holiday Camp Week 2

Saturday 30th April - Kutti Cocktails. Save the date, more details to come!

Sunday 15th May - 2021/22 Season Presentation

View our club calendar here

Volunteers Term 1 Roster

Adele Phillips

The Volunteers Roster for this term will be distributed shortly.

We are a volunteer run club and your help ensures every Sunday runs smoothly. If you are unable to make your rostered week, please organise a swap with another family. Here is an overview of the job roles:


Officer of the day (OOC)

  • 8-8:30am: Ensure members use QR code on arrival and all enrolled sailors sign on

  • 10-10:30am: On the beach as sailors return to shore sign off their name to ensure all participants are accounted for

  • At 10:30am another volunteer takes the role of sign on/ sign off for the race fleet, concluding at 1pm

  • Monitor radio for any boats or sailors returning to shore early


  • 8:30am start to assist canteen crew

  • Feel free to bring a plate of fruit for breakfast or something sweet for morning tea

  • Assist with making toasties and the weekly lunch special


  • 8:30am start

  • Cook and serve bacon & egg rolls

Deck & Beach

  • 8-8:30am: Assist coaches with putting club boats and ribs in the water, taking cradles to the beach and rigging boats

  • After the Sailing School briefing, assist the sailors with launching boats

  • 10-10:30am: Assist sailors as they return to shore and help derig boats not needed for the next session

  • Confirm which boats will be used for the afternoon session to remain on the beach


  • From 10am: Prepare start boat, marks and anchors to set the course for racing

  • Provide on-water support and safety

  • Be apart of the race committee on the start boat

Wing Foiling @ VA12SC!

Robert Ugarte

VA12SC has been speaking with the local wing foilers about racing of a Sunday afternoon.

The committee sees wing foiling as an exciting new class of sailing and is willing to offer support towards it’s promotion.

Maritime Law prevents foiling in all areas of the harbour except Rose Bay, Middle Harbour and the Watson’s Bay/Vaucluse Bay area.

Talks are progressing rapidly and we might even see racers on the start line this Sunday afternoon!

Run Sheet for this Sunday

Robert Ugarte

Sunday Runsheet 13/02/2022

8am: Arrival for check in and sign on procedures. Rig fleet.

8:30am: Briefing

Sailors: commence classes with briefings held on Kutti Beach Boat Ramp

Parents: Briefing, daily team allocations; (clubhouse, deck, beach or on water). Location: Clubhouse balcony.

9am: Canteen & BBQ opens. Bring fruit or a plate for breaky or morning tea!

10am: Race fleet briefing. Courses: Start Racing, Better Racing. Sign on. Location: clubhouse

10:15am: Sailors return to shore, sign-off and attend debriefing on the beach from their lesson.

10:30am: Classes conclude. De-rig, rinse and stow boats from the morning session

10:45am: Sailing School Race Briefing. Courses: Start Sailing 1 &2, Better Sailing. Sign on. Location: clubhouse

11am: Racing commences. Start order: Sabots, PJs, Pacers. All sailing school participants are encouraged to join the racing each week with complementary on-course coaching provided.

12-12:30pm: Sailors return to shore and sign-off. De-rig race fleet and support boats.

1300: Afternoon racing!



Regatta Information: 2021/22 NSW Sabot States

Adele Phillips

The first round of the NSW Sabot States is commencing this weekend. The Sabot association has provided the following information to competitors:

  • LC12ftSSC have organised dinner after sailing on the outside deck (burgers, hot chips and ice creams for $10 per head). Please pre-purchase tickets by Thursday night 10/2 to allow for catering: Events - Lane Cove 12ft Sailing Skiff Club Inc - revolutioniseSPORT

  • View the race documents and entrants list here.

  • A welcome pack from LC12ftSSC will be sent to all registered entrants.

  • Last day to register before the late entry fee kicks in is Thursday 10th of Feb

Term 1 Sunday Sailing School

Adele Phillips

Term 1 Sailing School is commencing this Sunday the 6th of February 2022. Places are filling up fast, book here.

If you are unsure what course to book, see our detailed course descriptions here.

Course dates

All courses: 6/2, 13/2, 20/2, 27/2, 6/3, 13/3, 20/3, 27/3

Adult learn to sail: 6 week program commencing 20/2/22

Course times

Start Sailing 1 , Start Sailing 2, Better Sailing: 8:30-10:30am lesson (arrive at 8am to be ready for an 8:30am start)

Race Fleet coaching: 10:30am-end of racing.

Adult learn to sail: 10:30am-12:30pm lesson (arrive at 10am to be ready for an 10:30am start)

Adventure Sailing: 10:30am-12:30pm lesson (arrive at 10am to be ready for an 10:30am start)

All courses except Adult learn to sail accept Active Kids Vouchers as part payment.

Sunday Run Sheet

8am: arrival for sign on procedures

8:30am: Briefings

Sailors: commence classes with briefings held on Kutti Beach Boat Ramp

Parents: (Week 1 only) Parents Briefing with our Commodore Rob Ugarte, followed by a club induction for all new members. Location: Clubhouse balcony.

9am: Canteen & BBQ opens

10:15am: Sailors return to shore, sign-off and attend debriefing on the beach from their lesson.

10:30am: Classes conclude.

10:45am: Sailors briefing for racing & sign on. Location: clubhouse

11am: Racing commences. Start order: Sabots, PJs, Pacers. All sailing school participants are encouraged to join the racing each week with complementary on-course coaching provided.

12-12:30pm: Sailors return to shore and pack up boats

Membership requirement

All course participants must be club members. For new members, please apply here. As we are commencing the second half of the season, new members once approved can purchase a half-year membership here.

Vaucluse Regatta

Adele Phillips

The upcoming Vaucluse Regatta on Saturday 19th of February hosted by Vaucluse Yacht Club is a great opportunity refine your fleet racing skills and represent VA12SC.

Historically this regatta was highly competitive with strong fleets from both VA12SC and VYC. If you do not own your own boat, representing VA12SC is possible with the use of the club owned cherubs. Should you wish to enter the regatta and do not own a boat, club members are permitted to loan a club cherub for the regatta. Prior approval from the Sailing Committee is required.

More information on the Vaucluse Regatta including free registration is accessible here.

Club Championship race this Sunday 30/1/22

Adele Phillips

Our first day back in 2022 is a club championship race this Sunday, 30th of January.

10am Sabot briefing before the race commences at 11am.

The Flying 11 race will be run as soon as practical after the Sabots have completed racing.

Term 1 Sunday Sailing School

Adele Phillips

Sunday Sailing School is kicking off on the 6th of February 2022. Places for each course are limited, book here.

If you are unsure what course to book, see our detailed course descriptions here.

Course dates

All courses: 6/2, 13/2, 20/2, 27/2, 6/3, 13/3, 20/3, 27/3

Adult learn to sail: 6 week program commencing 20/2/22

Course times - view the Sunday Run Sheet

Start Sailing 1 &2: 8:30-10:30am lesson (arrive at 8am to be ready for an 8:30am start)

Better Sailing: 10:30am-12:30pm lesson (arrive at 10am to be ready for an 10:30am start)

Race Fleet coaching: 10:30am-end of racing (briefing at 10:00am in clubhouse)

Adult learn to sail: 10:30am-12:30pm lesson (arrive at 10am to be ready for an 10:30am start)

Adventure Sailing: 10:30am-12:30pm lesson (arrive at 10am to be ready for an 10:30am start)

All courses except Adult learn to sail accept Active Kids Vouchers as part payment.

Membership requirement

All course participants must be club members. For new members, please apply here. As we are commencing the second half of the season, new members once approved can purchase a half-year membership here.

Any membership questions, please inquire here.

SailGP - Saturday

Newsletter Editor

SailGP hits the harbour this weekend with racing between 16.00 - 18.00hrs on Friday and Saturday.

We had planned a viewing party at the club but with a couple of key people on the organising team having been given close contact status our numbers are depleted. You're still welcome to come down and view on the big screen but it will now be a BYO affair.

POSTPONED: Dick Winning Fun Day

Newsletter Editor

The committee has made the decision to postpone the Dick Winning Fun Day to the new year. With increasing incidences of COVID occurring in the community we don’t want to tempt fate/risk ruining people’s holidays.

We appreciate this is disappointing but we promise to make up for it in the new year!

Dick Winning Fun Day - December 19

Adele Phillips

Sunday 19th of December 2021

We have plenty of fun activities in the program. For lunch, the club will be providing a free BBQ but please bring a side plate to share. So we can cater for everyone on the day, please RSVP here.

Program of Events

10am - 10.45am - Greasy Pole (three categories: under 10 yrs, 10 - 13yrs, 13yrs +)

10.45am - 11.45am - Swimming Races (kids & parent categories!)

12pm - 1pm - Lunch

1pm - 1.30pm - Beach Games (Tug of war & Treasure Hunt)

2pm - 2.45pm - Kids & Parents PJ race (start in front of clubhouse)

3pm - Afternoon tea, with a guest appearance from Santa!

Xmas Holiday Camps

Adele Phillips

Holiday camp places are booking fast. We recommend booking early to avoid disappointment, last year all camps sold out.

You can choose 3, 4 or 5 day camps this summer:
13 - 17 December 2021
10 - 14 January 2022
17 - 21 January 2022

8:30am drop off - 4pm pickup

We facilitate all skill levels and accept Active Kids Vouchers, use discount code ‘AKV100’ at checkout and email your voucher number and child’s DOB to finalise your enrolment.

No club membership is required to book holiday camps, just select the ‘non-member’ option when booking.

Book here

Watch SailGP at VA12SC - Saturday 18th December

Jules Hall

The club will be hosting a viewing party on Saturday the 18th December to watch SailGP live!

We will have the big screen set up and the BBQ cranking. So join us for a sausage sizzle, and settle in to watch the racing. So we can cater for everyone, please fill out this form.

As the boats are traveling so fast we've found that you actually see more on TV as opposed to trackside. The big screen is the perfect place to see these exciting boats in action.

If kids want to take out a PJ or the paddle boards, it's all encouraged!

Racing is from 4pm to 6pm, so get down to the club Saturday the 18th for a fun afternoon.

SailGP - Meet our Team!

Jules Hall

SailGP arrives in town next Friday. And VA12SC is very lucky to have been partnered with the French team as part of the ‘adopt a club’ program.

We’ve been in contact with our new team mates and they have very kindly invited us to have a virtual tour of their boat and base on Wednesday 15th December at 18.30hrs.

This is an amazing opportunity for our members to meet the team flying the cat on the race track, to see how their boat works and to ask the team questions.

Due to COVID restrictions the teams are not allowed to leave their bases. So this will be a video call. We will have the big screen on at the clubhouse. Alternatively you can join remotely via this link or in the club calendar.

It would be really helpful to get questions in advance via this form.

SailGP Ocean School - limited places

Adele Phillips

In partnership with Parley, Sail Sydney, and the Australia Team, the Ocean School is taking place for 40-50 youth sailors between 8 am and 10 am on Saturday 11th of December at Woollahra Sailing Club.

The unique program blends ocean awareness, immersion, and activism with the goal of empowering a new class of ocean guardians, amongst our sailing youth. 

  • Suitable for children aged 9-16 years old

  • Activities in the morning will include:

    • Introduction to Parley For The Oceans and their AIR strategy; Avoid, Intercept & Resign 

    • Q&A with the Australia SailGP Team on their careers and mission to promote a greener future for the next generation of Australians

    • Microplastic beach walk

    • Upcycling session 

Members of the Australian SailGP Team will be participating on the day so it’s a great chance to meet the sailors, ask them questions, grab a photo and learn about why they are passionate about protecting the oceans.

There are limited spots available, register your interest.

Head of the Harbour this weekend

Adele Phillips

Head of the Harbour is this weekend!! All hands on deck for a great team building and learning opportunity. This year, due to low entries we are running it as a club team building race day. Coaches will be on hand to support the racers give feedback, advice and get them racing! This presents a fantastic opportunity for kids to take the next step and try out racing with good support in our club's environment.

We still intend on getting fast sprints in , weather permitting and following up with a BBQ for all club participants and families. There will be a green fleet running for our sailing school PJs. Anyone currently enrolled in our sailing school this term can use a club PJ to participate, provided they have booked online. The wind forecast looks to be favourable for keen sailors. In the event of a wind stop there will still be fun games and lessons to be learnt. This is a great opportunity to take as a season opener for kids who haven't yet had the chance to hit the water in their sabots - or for our adventure sailors to take that next step.

Book online here. We look forward to seeing you all.

Any inquiries, get in touch here.